Dr. James R. Powell, Jr., Chief Executive Officer for Long Island Select Healthcare, joined Tommy on the podcast.

Long Island Select Healthcare provides services to all of those who are in need of medical services, regardless of their ability to pay or if they need uninsured primary care services in Long Island, NY. The uninsured are charged for services on a board-approved program for sliding scale health services in Long Island, NY and Suffolk County, NY, which is based on a patient’s family income and size and we are also financed through a mix of Medicaid and Medicare. A large portion of our 6,000 patients served include Intellectual/Developmentally Disabled (ID/D) individuals. We provide primary, behavioral health, dental, specialty services and OT/PT/speech therapy within our organization. We are a Patient-Centered Medical Home that places focus not only on what our patients’ medical needs are but focus on the whole patient experience, seeking what barriers our patients may face that may negatively impact their outcomes. Through screenings such as PRAPARE, we will work with patients and assist with any linkage to resources that they may need to support their overall well-being.

Dr. James R. Powell, Jr. is the Chief Executive Officer for LISH. Dr. Powell is a board-certified Internist as well as the Medical Director for both DDI and UCP of Suffolk.. He is currently on staff at Mather Memorial Hospital, St. Charles Hospital, and Peconic Bay Medical Center.

A former board member of the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry, Dr. Powell has presented lectures nationwide in which he has championed the healthcare needs of the underserved. Thanks to LISH’s experience with a pre-COVID-19 telehealth program he has been quoted in journals and lectured on topics regarding virtual care and the need for long-term sustainability.

Watch the video show as it streamed on Facebook.

Next week on the podcast, Ron Anderson of Project Reclaim will be joining Tommy in the attic. Project Reclaim operates a prevention-based after school program for teens, Life Skills workshops for elementary and middle school youth, and parent training and parental involvement activities for parents and guardians.