Tune in this Friday, August 6th at 10am to the Philanthropy in Phocus podcast. I’ll be interviewing Lonnie Sherman and Robert Kozlowsky who will be representing two important nonprofit organizations that serve the veteran population — Home for the Brave and General Needs. Watch the video to learn more.

Tune in live August 6 @ 10am EST here: https://www.talkradio.nyc/listen-live

Did you hear or watch the July 30 podcast? I interviewed Clarissa Soto Josephs, Executive Director of Pentacle. As a not-for-profit management support organization for the performing arts, Pentacle designs and provides unique and robust programs of support for artists at critical stages in their careers. Watch the podcast here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?…. Listen to the podcast here: https://www.talkradio.nyc/post/202107.