Transitional Services for New York, Inc. is a comprehensive, community-based mental health organization located in New York City. We provide a continuum of rehabilitative services to enrich the lives of those recovering from mental illness and facilitate their transition to increased levels of independence.
Each year TSINY serves more than 4,000 NYC individuals going through mental health challenges.
This week on Philanthropy in Phocus, Tommy D will have the great opportunity to interview, Dr. Larry Grubler, CEO of TSINY. As always, during the discussion, we will talk about the history of the organization, the programs and how they address the needs of their constituents and stakeholders & What’s the future of TSINY and how do we address Ending the Stigma of Mental Health Conversation?
Recorded on TalkRadio.nyc and Facebook Livestream by clicking here.
Stay tuned for next week’s podcast…